RaylanTest Wiki
Important: Create the Instant Expert page after following the below steps!
  1. Create the "Instant Expert" namespace (include talk page)
    • To create a new namespace go to the Variables tab and then EZNamespace
      • You'll be supplied a suggested number, so use that; it cannot be lower than 100
      • Content namespaces are also even numbers, so be sure not to use an odd number; talk pages are odd numbers, sequential - so if the content namespace is 100, its associated talk page must be 101
  2. Be sure to check "is content" and "default search"

If article comments are not enabled on the wikia

  1. wgArticleCommentsNamespaces - change array to reflect desired namespace number (the one from above)

    Note: 100 below is the example desired namespace; 500 is the blog namespace, which should always be included.

    array (
       0 => '100',
       1 => '500',

  2. flip on comments in the Wiki Features section on the actual site within the Admin Dashboard
  3. let admins know that AC has to be enabled but that they will only show for that namespace and nowhere else

If article comments are enabled on the wikia

  1. wgArticleCommentsNamespaces - change array to reflect desired namespace number (the one from above)

    Note: 100 below is the example desired namespace; 500 is the blog namespace, which should always be included.

    array (
       0 => '0',
       1 => '100',
       2 => '500',
